Nail Etching toolNail Etching tool

Nail Etching tool

167,00 kr 200,40 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
HONA Nail Art Palette RingHONA Nail Art Palette Ring

HONA Nail Art Palette Ring

42,00 kr 50,40 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
HONA Nail Art Palette and SpatulaHONA Nail Art Palette and Spatula

HONA Nail Art Palette and Spatula

63,00 kr 75,60 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Lint Free Nail Wipes - Pack of 650Lint Free Nail Wipes - Pack of 650

Lint Free Nail Wipes - Pack of 650

60,00 kr 72,00 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
Etch & Loop ToolEtch & Loop Tool

Etch & Loop Tool

231,00 kr 277,20 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT
HONA X @Indzinc Essentials BundleHONA X @Indzinc Essentials Bundle

HONA X @Indzinc Essentials Bundle

259,00 kr 310,80 krexcl. VAT incl. VAT


The HONA mission is to educate, inspire and improve the talents of the modern day nail technician as well as empower the nail community through uncompromising integrity, transparency and service.